Your health and the health of your children is a family affair
Dianne Warren
Author / Publisher
In 1996, Dianne began offering workshops on health and nutrition at early learning conferences in Florida, but still faced an uphill battle.
Over the last 30 years Oasis Publications has attended numerous early learning and nutrition conferences around the US and Central America. National and state-wide WIC (women, infants, children), Healthy Start, Montessori, national, regional and local Head Start, Zero to Three, Childhood Obesity Prevention, Florida Early Learning Coalitions, NAEYC (national association of the education of young children), APHA (American Public Health Association), AMCHP (American Maternal and Child Health Program) and many other regional and state-wide conferences as an exhibitor and/or presenter.
As a result we have over 1 million books in use in the Americas. Our audience has grown with the introduction of prenatal health, teen pregnancy prevention and parenting books, which all still have early childhood health and fitness as their focus.
There is still much, too much, work to be done. Until we can get all aspects –national, local and personal — of our lives on the same page, the results of poor food and drink choices and inactivity will dominate our news cycles…and our own personal health stories.
Oasis Publications
Produced in the United States
Oasis Publications was established in 1996 with two goals: educating parents and children about the importance of nutrition to all our healthy habits and doing this while having fun! By using entertaining materials, messages are delivered without a heavy hand and healthy practices are supported by the games we play and books we read in everyday life.
Everyone knows how difficult it is to change bad habits. Getting kidz off to a healthy start and preventing the problems in the first place also helps other family members make the necessary life style changes to enjoy better health.
Your health and the health of your children is a family affair. Children will follow in the footsteps of their parents. Healthy choices will lead your family in the right direction.
All materials offered by Oasis Publications are produced in the United States and meet, or exceed, US Toy Safety Standards. All inks are vegetable based and environmentally friendly and every precaution is taken to minimize any choking hazard.
Ensuring our children practice healthy habits is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. Eat well, sleep well, stay active, smile and be grateful!!
Knowledge Corner
Lesson Plan: The Best Me / El Mejor YO
Goal: To understand what contributes to creating a diet that builds healthy children and families by using USDA dietary guidelines for MyPlate. Objectives for Parent: To understand the importance of variety & balance in meals. To increase consumption of fruits and...
Lesson Plan: Way to Grow / Asi se Crece
Goal: To educate the parent / care-giver about the importance of healthy gums, teeth and bones. Objectives for Parents: To understand why good dental health during pregnancy is so important to mother and child. To understand how to prevent tooth decay and dental...
Lesson Plan: Born to Move / Nacido para Moverme
Goal: To apply the understanding of why activity is important to the physical, emotional, mental and social development of children. Objectives for Parent: To understand the importance of movement in infancy To develop my toddler’s brain and body through movement To...
Creating Opportunities for parents and Children to Share activities around nutrition where they are both educated and they are both entertained.
And it can be fun!! As we read, color, talk and play with our children, we can use materials that support healthy habits. We can entertain and educate them about the importance of healthy choices while providing the tools to help them enjoy a long and healthy life.
Prevention is the name of the game
As parents, teachers and care-givers we are entrusted with the responsibility of getting our children off to a healthy start, preparing them to make healthy choices and preventing the establishment of unhealthy, need-to-be-broken, bad habits.